Science and Innovation Campus

Science and Innovation Campus
Whiting Landscape Ltd
Europe's leading science and innovation campus


We teamed up with Whiting Landscape Ltd to enhance outdoor areas at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Europe’s leading science campus.



The Challenge

The Oxfordshire-based science, innovation and technology campus is the size of a small town and occupies over 700 acres. More than 200 organisations are based there; it is home to a scientific community of more than 6,000 people.

Many global firsts have been achieved at the campus, including the discovery of the world’s largest prime number, the building of Europe’s first energy-producing fission reactor and the first transistorised computer. The UK’s first Vaccines Manufacturing and Innovation Centre (VMIC) is a recent ground-breaking addition to the site.

Harwell is now looking to expand, adding millions of square feet of new buildings, additional public areas and campus amenities – consolidating Harwell as one of the fastest-growing sites dedicated to science and technology in the UK.  At 48,000 sq. ft, Zeus is the latest building on campus to reach practical completion.

Landscape construction and maintenance firm Whiting Landscape Ltd has been responsible for the soft landscaping package across new areas of the site, such as the area surrounding Zeus since 2016 with further work still ongoing. They tasked us with supplying thousands of plants across the site.


The Solution

We supplied thousands of plants across the campus including more than 4,000 to enhance the grounds of the Zeus building, a multi-occupancy R&D, laboratory, office and engineering hub. Varieties include Vinca minor, Polypodium vulgare, Ajuga reptens, Carex pendula and Hypericum androsaemum.

Outside space around the Cobalt building has been improved by the planting of more than 5,000 plants and trees, including varieties such as 114 Pinus Mugo’ Mops’, 337 Fagus Sylvatica, 373 Rubus ‘Green Carpet’ and 205 Mahonia ‘Apollo’.

The Result 

Our plants have enhanced the grounds of several buildings at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, we look forward to supplying additional phases across the sites in years to come.

Kevin Jarvis, buyer for Whiting Landscapes Ltd said: “Whiting Landscape have enjoyed an excellent working relationship with Johnsons for the past 40 years.  This relationship continues to flourish and is based on the quick response offered at tender stage through to the flexible and supportive approach at the point of delivery. With future development opportunities at Harwell we look forward to working alongside Johnsons to offer the client the best in terms of value and quality available to the market.”