Eleven employees at Johnsons reached 290 years of combined service in 2023, with extended services ranging from 10 years to 45 years.
Congratulations and thanks to the employees below for their hard work, commitment, and loyalty to Johnsons during their time with us.
45 years - Steve Strachan, Unit Manager (Container)
40 years - Paul Lamb, Assistant Retail Sales Manager
40 years - Graham Richardson, Group Managing Director
35 years - Lee Cooper, Unit Manager (Amenity Operations)
25 years - Paul Bartram, Senior Nursery Worker
25 years - Steve Morton, Operations Manager
25 years - Tracey Richardson, Administrator
25 years - Rich Shepherdson, Unit Manager (Thornville)
10 years - Ellie Richardson, Marketing and Office Manager
10 years - Eric Buckby, Deputy Unit Manager (Container)
10 years - Robert Richardson, Production Director
To celebrate and highlight their long service at Johnsons, each employee received a certificate and vouchers valued between £450 and £100.
Retail Sales Assistant, Paul Lamb, who joined us after leaving school, said: "Early on, it was a great job, it was active, outside, and I was working with great people, and without sounding cheesy, you turn around and 40 years have gone, and the people you have worked with have had children and Grandchildren!!! It does feel like a big family, and I couldn’t imagine having done anything else" when questioned about his length of service as Johnsons.
Steven Morton, Operations Manager, commented: "I have enjoyed working in different areas of the company and learning new skills to help me progress through my career at Johnsons. "
Steve Strachan, Container Unit Manager, said: " Job security/ continuity and working with lots of great people has made me stay at Johnsons all these years."
While Eleanor Richardson added: " No two days are alike; I could be out taking photos and creating content one morning, and the next I could be creating email campaigns, writing press releases, or working on the re-brand. That's what I love most about my job, but also, seeing my family so regularly; who else can say they see their direct family members most days at this age...
Posted 26th Jan 3:12pm