Check out our latest gardening reminders for 2020 put together by chairman and horticulturalist John Richardson.
1) Plant container-grown perennials for an early start to the spring. If they are large plants, consider carefully dividing them before planting.
2) Be sure to water root-balls before planting, if there is a dry spring it may slow growth in dry days.
3) Apply a mulch of garden compost, to all trees and shrubs in potentially dry sites.
4) Finish winter pruning this month, first principles are to remove dead and diseased stems, then crossing branches, followed by a reduction in the height of the main stems.
5) Cut bushy Eucalyptus back to within 2-3” of the main stem to stimulate a flush of bushy growth.
6) Plant up window boxes and tubs for seasonal colour.
7) Pot up or transplant last year’s hardwood cuttings.
8) Repair broken fences, patios, trellises, steps, fall pipes and walls.
9) Divide and replant Snowdrops ‘in the green’ as the flowers go over.
10) Clean out existing bird nesting boxes and put up new ones and of course, feed the birds!
11) Take hardwood cuttings of Forsythia, Deutzia, Honeysuckle, Jasmine, Virginia creeper, Holly, Privet, Cotoneaster, Poplar, Willow, Gooseberries, Blackcurrants etc
12) When the ground is firm, repair any uneven areas of the lawn, or where the grass has died out.
13) Invest in a soil thermometer, when the soil temp. exceeds 5°C start sowings of hardy crops such as carrots, lettuce and radish direct into the ground.
14) If the weather warms up, take the opportunity to prepare compost and boxes for sowing half-hardy annuals by the end of the month. You should have a heat source available for cold nights.
15) Cut back Clematis Jackmanii and C. Viticella groups to about 12”. Pyracantha should be pruned to within two buds of the mainframe except for extensions, if not done last autumn.
16) Do not apply heavy dressings of fertiliser to areas of naturalised bulbs as this will only encourage the growth of the surrounding grass.
17) Propagate a wide range of woody shrubs by layering, towards the end of the month, Peg down a young shoot into the soil under the tree without detaching it from the tree, but make a cut in the underneath of the stem, or twist it at the point where it will turn it upwards.
Pin this down with a suitable forked twig into a couple of handfuls of compost and hold firm with a proper stone. Tie the growing shoot to a small cane to keep it upright, and trim to prevent being moved in the wind.
Posted 4th Feb 2:08pm