Helping to keep the nation planting - lockdown III

Helping to keep the nation planting - lockdown III

After the recent news of another lockdown in England, we would like to confirm that we remain open under the Government’s guidelines. We will continue helping the nation to keep planting, supplying shrubs, hedging, herbaceous and trees safely.

Our business is a key supplier into the construction industry, operates as a manufacturing entity within the Agricultural Sector and supplies Garden Centres that are remaining open and are classified as ‘essential retail’.

We are continually monitoring the Government’s advice and continue to undertake measures as recommended for the safety and wellbeing of our staff and customers.

We thank you for your support and custom in 2020 and assure you of our best intentions at all times in 2021.

Should we be able to assist in any way please do not hesitate to speak with your usual contact or any member of the Johnsons team.

You can read our full Covid-19 notice here

Posted 5th Jan 10:55am