Looking to keep busy in the garden this August? Here are the jobs you should be keeping on top of this month:
Cut back the long whippy growth of Wisteria to within 3 buds of the old wood, if they are not required, to extend the area covered by the plant.
Keep dead-heading the best flowering plants to encourage new flowers and stop them from setting seed. Apply a liquid feed as plants will require added nutrition to counter dry weather and heavy watering.
Complete the lifting of last seasons’ bulbs and dry them off naturally in light woven sacks for maximum ventilation.
Collect the seed of the plant which you wish to regenerate next year. Place a brown paper bag over the seed head and shake out contents as they become free. Save the seed in the fridge and sow next spring.
Clean up and dispose of early fallen fruits, such as apples, to prevent disease spread.
Damp down greenhouse floors to maintain humidity, and don’t forget to open the vents to improve air circulation. It’s best to water early morning/late evening, and not in the heat of the sun. Close doors at night at the end of the month as conditions become cooler, but be sure to open up again the following morning.
A good time to clean the pond and the pump filter, and perhaps reduce the amount of oxygenating plants. A fountain will help oxygenate the water for the benefit of fish.
Trim lavenders after flowering but don’t cut into older wood.
Towards the end of the month cut back the canes of fruited cane fruits to ground level, and tie in the young shoots which will provide next year’s harvest.
Divide and replant rhizomatous Iris and layer carnations and pinks, pegging into the soil after carefully cracking a small section of the stem.
Weed between alpines and top up the surface with grit or gravel. Take cuttings of Aubretia, dwarf helianthemums etc., root in a warm propagator.
Continue to water recent new lawns. Probably better to leave laying or sowing a new lawn until next month when the weather is cooler.
Watch out for pests and diseases, warm dry weather encourages mildew and aphids can rapidly increase in numbers. Treat with specific garden chemicals.
Check out our previous months gardening reminders here