March 2020 Gardening Reminders

March 2020 Gardening Reminders

Gardening reminders for March 2020

Check out our latest gardening reminders for March 2020 put together by chairman and horticulturalist John Richardson.

1) Prune strong growing Buddleias down to about 18” for a good show by summer. Prune to 30-40” for a denser but weaker overall growth.

2) Plant climbing and wall plants. Prune clematis species and hybrids that flower on current season’s growth if not already done. Ensure they are well watered.

3) Prune decorative Cornus and Salix to within 5cm of the old shoots to encourage next year’s coloured winter stems. Don’t prune ‘Midwinter Fire’ types too hard.

4) Many herbaceous plants do better planted in spring rather than autumn, particularly on heavy clay.

5) Snowdrops re-establish best when moved whilst still in leaf. Split and replant those in tight clusters, or buy in new ones ‘in the green’.

6) Arrange to plant summer flowering bulbs when planting condition are good.

7) Finish pruning perennial which has not yet been cut back, but don’t remove new green shoots.

8) When daffodils have flowered, remove dead heads to conserve bulb energy.

9) Hellebores are now very popular, lift seedlings around parent plant and pot up.

10) Alpines can still be planted, and also check that existing plants have not been lifted by recent frosts.

11) As the weather improves, weed growth will begin in earnest, hoe off seedling weeds with a really sharp hoe and treat perennial weeds with Roundup.

12) Finish pruning soft fruit bushes by mid-month and give a high nitrogen feed.

13) Lay fleece or polythene on bare soil to warm it up before planting vegetables or sowing seeds. Remember to apply slug pellets.

14) Consider re-potting those plants in containers which have been in the same compost for too long. Carefully remove the pot, cut back two or three of the old roots and remove some soil. Re-pot into a slightly larger pot, add a little fertilizer and firm in the compost on all sides. Give the plant a good watering.

Interested in further advise or solutions? visit our 'solutions' section here

Posted 5th Mar 1:35pm