November 2020 Gardening Reminders

November 2020 Gardening Reminders

Check out our latest gardening reminders for November 2020 put together by chairman and horticulturist John Richardson.

1)  There is a current move towards ‘no digging’ on vegetable plots, which firstly involves digging the area to double depth (double digging) and incorporating organic matter throughout both areas in order to cultivate an area of really deep soil. This will encourage the increase of worms and other creatures by applying an annual top dressing of organic matter or ‘compost’ which will be taken down into the soil. Small paths should be made across the area so that it is not necessary to walk on the growing area in the future for either cultivations, harvesting or other reasons, and thus prevent soil compaction.


2)  The recent wind and rain have caused the sudden defoliation of almost all deciduous trees. Collect the leaves and store them in a cage made of wire netting around four wooden stakes. You will have perfect compost by next autumn, and you can also incorporate the trimmings from herbaceous plants. If you intend to incorporate twigs and small branches, these are best put through a shredder before incorporation.


3)  Be sure to check for hibernating animals in bonfires to be lit over winter.


4)  Lift and store dahlias if not done already, alternatively, protect the tubers by a good surface mulch.


5)  Clear out bird boxes and sterilise them with boiling water.


6)  Plant winter bedding such as wallflowers, pansies, primulas etc.


7)  Lift and divide rhubarb crowns ensuring that each division has a good crown. Replant when soil conditions allow.  Divided crowns will survive for at least a month in the open without further protection.


8)  Start Amaryllis (Hippeastrum) bulbs into growth urgently if required to flower by Christmas.


9)  Tidy up the greenhouse during inclement weather, and also prune glasshouse grown grape vines.


10) Be ready to plant tulip bulbs after the middle of the month.


11)  Put grease bands (available from garden centres) around the trunks of apple trees against female winter moth caterpillars which climb the trunk when hibernation is completed..


12)  If weather is mild and the grass still growing, give the lawn a final cut with the blades set relatively high, and remove fallen leaves to prevent bare patches in the spring.


13) Insulate with bubble-wrap and hessian those plant containers which are to be left outside over winter. in order to prevent the pots cracking in frosty periods.


14) Thoroughly clean and grease the lawnmower and sharpen or replace the blades.


15) Prepare chrysanthemum stools, dahlia tubers and gladioli corms for protective winter storage.


16) On a fine afternoon have a walk around the garden and make a note of what has done really well, and also not so well so that when the time comes to replant the borders you will have a good idea of what will be successful!  Why not have a visit to Harlow Carr gardens or one of the other splendid gardens in the area, and make a note of which plants you are really motivated by?


17) Hang protective fleece out to dry before placing in storage for next year.


18) The earlier any winter digging can be done, the better, as this allows rain, snow, frost and ice to break down clods of soil and make cultivations in the spring so much easier.

Posted 5th Nov 1:26pm