In the first year of May 1965, John had managed to get the turnover to £39,000 and pay off all outstanding family loans.
Johns second son Graham Richardson was born on the 29th of May.
Mr Johnson’s newly built bungalow was finished on the Whixley site which allowed John and his growing family to move into Broadfield house.
John made the companies first expansion by renting the walled gardens at Myton Hall where the glasshouse was used for propagation and the outside area for crops of roses to conifers and general shrubs.
The purchase of the companies first tractor and planting machine revolutionised the planting process. It was also perfect for hoeing through growing crops.
Nursery staff started going to Wakefield Market every Saturday, it became the most lucrative market and provided cash well in advance of the delivery of plants.
Coloured plant catalogues helped to boost sales and the nursery was opened up for people to view on weekends so they could consider their purchases for autumn delivery.
The nursery started to advertise in the Sunday Times and the Sunday Telegraph giving the benefit of orders being placed and paid for several months before delivery, helping cash flow.