Spring is finally here, with trees starting to bloom, daffodils and tulips starting to emerge and bees making an appearance for their first nectar collections. There's plenty to be doing in the garden this month from deadheading flowering bulbs to applying lawn fertilizer. Check out our latest reminders, put together by our Chairman and Horticulturist John Richardson.
Prune early flowering shrubs such as Forsythia & Hamamellis after flowering is over.
Mulch shrubs and fruit bushes when the weather begins to warm up, but not deeply into the centre of the shrub.
Soak rootballs of new evergreen shrubs before planting and water in after planting.
Propagate perennials such as Rudbeckias, Heleniums and Monardas by dividing older plant stools, ensuring that you choose a healthy outer section.
Divide and replant primroses when they have finished flowering.
In mild weather slugs and snails may well begin to eat the shoots of newly growing perennials. Use environmentally approved slug pellets as a control.
Continue to dead-head spent daffodils, tulips and other late wintering flowering shrubs.
Towards the end of the month collect woody twigs to use as supports for perennials before they get too long and straggly.
Apply residual weedkillers to gravelled driveways and footpaths. Be careful to ensure that the application is confined to the treated area and not the surroundings.
Begin mowing the lawn weekly, but with the blades set quite high until the rate of weeds that suddenly appear, give the lawn a top-dressing of high Nitrogen fertilizer.
Make sure old leaves of Helleborus have been removed.
Tie in the young growth of climbing plants and trained plants. Pinch out some of the young growths if new shoots are too prolific.
For more hints and tips head to our solution page here
Posted 7th Apr 9:23am