Autumn is for planting
Summer may be disappearing before our eyes, but autumn is the best time to plant bulbs.
As we prepare for the changing of the seasons, Johnsons of Whixley’s Ellie Richardson provides a step-by-step guide to planting bulbs this autumn.
1) Choose a bulb. Make sure you research the area you are planting. Is it shady? In full sun or partial shade? Choose snowdrops for a shady spot, tulips for full sun and daffodils for partial shade.
2) Plant at the right time. Don’t plant bulbs any earlier than September. They will not do well.
3) Dig your hole. Dig a hole three times as deep as the bulbs height. Place the bulbs at least three bulb widths apart.
4) Put your bulb in. Make sure the roots point down and the bottom of the bulb touches the soil.
5) Feed your bulb. Add empathy bulb starter to give your bulbs a head start.
6) Sit back and wait ‘til Spring!
Posted 22nd Aug 2:12pm