Blooms & Farewells: Honoring Tony Coles Retirement

Blooms & Farewells: Honoring Tony Coles Retirement

In June, we celebrate an incredible milestone and bid a heartfelt farewell to Tony Coles, who has been an invaluable member of our team for almost 30 years.

As Tony embarks on this new adventure, we want to extend our deepest gratitude for their 30 years of service. Your dedication and contributions have made a lasting impact, and you will be greatly missed by everyone here at Johnsons.

Below we asked Tony some questions, ahead of retirement.

1) Start date at Johnsons: 6th March 1995

2) What has motivated you to stay at Johnsons all this time?

The Industry is a great industry, and I have enjoyed working alongside the people at Johnson and the customers. you learn something new almost every day.

3) What has changed most during your time at Johnsons? Blimey, so much has changed, the turnover of people has increased over the years, the change in plants that we produce has evolved enormously, marketing and promoting our business has improved massively with technology, it’s a totally different business to when I arrived, but I would say the company values have remained as it has grown, (from just about a £1M business to where we are now), which is key to running a good business and keeping good people in the business to progress. I don’t think you keep people for as long as some have served if the values and culture are not right.

4) What is your proudest accomplishment during your time at Johnsons? I’m not sure about proudest, but I'm proud of getting one of our Key Accounts to a million T/O in a financial year.

5) What are you going to miss the most? Speaking to the customers who I have known for many years, some are not just customers now but friends, so I am sure I will keep in touch with some anyway.

6) What are your plans for retirement? I will take a good holiday abroad in September but also look after the grandchildren. I have plenty to do; I don’t think filling the days will be an issue; I will be down our allotment almost every day in the summer (when it doesn’t rain!), and plenty of looking after grandchildren, which is a privilege, they definitely keep me fit, and lots of walking and generally being able to do what we want to do when we want! Don’t worry, the boss (Sandra) will keep me busy!!!!!

7) Tell us about a memorable day at Johnsons: The trips abroad with customers were always memorable, I don’t think there was one trip where something didn’t go wrong, or was quite comical, particularly the segways in Budapest!!

8) Favourite trip abroad? Have had a couple of good trips, Porto was a good trip with Customers, as was Budapest. These trips, although deemed a luxury, are very important to cement customer relationships and for customers to engage and listen to other landscapers and learn from each other. I don’t think these trips can be underestimated.

9) How will you celebrate your final day? I will probably still try and get in that last sale/order! I do have a very nice Whiskey to sample that I was given and told to save until my retirement so I may just have nip!

10) Any advice for colleagues as you leave? On the dry wipe board in my office, I have the following and I think it’s true, ‘Never assume – always ascertain’ – ‘if it isn’t written down – it didn’t happen’ and finally ‘Get rid of ambiguity’ and try not to hide behind e-mails – speak to people!


Posted 29th May 3:37pm