Our Group Managing Director, Graham Richardson, Commercial and Business Manager, Jonathan Whittemore and our Production Director, Robert Richardson, recently met with MP Nigel Adams and Trudy Harrison MP Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Defra) to discuss a number of challenges in the horticultural industry including the retreat from peat. We ask that the government work with growing media manufacturers to focus on developing alternatives to the peat removed from growing media and to help the industry avoid the exposure to price inflation.
The retreat from peat is a political ‘hot potato’ with recent announcements suggesting an accelerated timescale. It is estimated that between 1.7 and 2.0 million cubic metres of peat will have to be replaced with sustainable alternatives in the industry.
The industry has been hit by several challenges in recent years, including Brexit, Plant Health constraints, the pandemic and now the peat ban, which have all come at significant cost to those in the industry.
Group Managing Director Graham Richardson said, “It was an honour to host the minister and other key individuals to discuss the key Horticultural Challenges facing our sector, the importance of our sector was acknowledged, and the challenges that the ‘retreat from peat’ brings in terms of a practical growing media alternative (in sufficient volume) and the associated timings are better understood”.
All parties who attended the meeting agreed on further dates for future discussions and consultation regarding the ‘retreat from peat’ and other challenges within the sector.
Posted 24th Mar 9:33am