Johnsons pledge support to York Cares Big Community Challenge 2021

Johnsons pledge support to York Cares Big Community Challenge 2021

We have continued our donation of hundreds of plants to Yorkshire charities as part of our centenary celebration.

We celebrated our 100th birthday this June and are marking our centenary year with a donation of plants to a different charity each month. The latest donation we made was to York Cares Big Community Challenge 2021.

The York Cares Big Community Challenge 2021  took place between the 9-30th June at Rowntree Park, with 17 volunteering sessions engaging more than 200 volunteers.

We worked in partnership with the City of York Council Environment and Communities Team and the Friends of Rowntree Park, to prepare the park for its centenary celebration this July.

York Cares has organised volunteers to clear and weed areas that have been affected by the floods. The volunteers will be replanting and starting the transformation of a part of the park into a new educational wildlife area, thanks to funding from Yorkshire Water.

Our donation of plants to the value of £200 has been used to revitalise the family picnic garden, which will host families and friends over the summer who go to enjoy the park.

The initiative is part of the York Cares Big Community Challenge 2021, where local businesses volunteer the services of their employees to transform a community space over the month of June.

York Cares aims to showcase the positive impact a green environment can have on health, wellbeing, and social inclusion.

Eleanor Richardson, marketing manager at Johnsons, said: "We are pleased to have donated £200 worth of plants for the Big Community Challenge in June, which will make a transformative difference to Rowntree Park.

“Many of us have benefited greatly from spaces like this throughout the pandemic so it is a wonderful opportunity to give something back while helping to celebrate both our own and the park’s centenary.”

Katy Elliott, volunteering support officer at York Cares Big Community Challenge, added: “We are incredibly grateful to Johnson’s of Whixley for their donation of plants which will make a real difference to one of the areas of the park.

Stu Small, Friends of Rowntree Park Gardener said: “Friends of Rowntree Park are pleased that Johnson’s was able to make a generous donation of plants to support our volunteer gardening programme. Like Johnson's, Rowntree Park is also celebrating its centenary in 2021. The plants from Johnson’s have helped make an instant impact in our family picnic garden.”

Posted 6th Jul 10:01am