Six white plants for Wimbledon
This week marks the start of Wimbledon and to celebrate we have put together a list of six of our favourite white plants that are flowering now.
1) Philadelphus ‘Belle Etoile’ has a lovely fragrance with flowers up to 5cm across. Suitable in any aspect of the garden but particularly great at the back of a border.
2) Anemone Wild Swan flowers earlier in the season than other anemone. It prefers a sheltered spot to grow in.
3) Achillea The Pearl produces little white buttons of flowers and was favoured by designer Gertrude Jeykll.
4) Campanula White Clips is a low grower, which produces masses of large bell-like flowers; looks great in a rockery.
5) Rosa Kent is great for producing masses of white flowers and good ground cover.
6) Leucanthemum Freak are great for giving height to borders and have a long flowering season if you deadhead regularly.
Posted 5th Jul 9:39am