The Growers Plantspo - May Shrubs

The Growers Plantspo - May Shrubs

Ceanothus varieties

????Flowers: May – June (depending on variety, varieties such as ‘Puget Blue’ start flowering in April, and others flower for longer than June)

???? Position: Full sun

???? Height: Up to 3m (depending on variety)

Soil: Fertile, well-drained soil

 Pot size: 2L, 3L, 5L, 10L, 20L + (depending on variety and subject to availability)


Convolvulus cneorum 

????Flowers: May – July

???? Position: Full sun

???? Height: Up to 0.6m

 Soil: Poor to moderately fertile, well-drained soil

 Pot size: 2L, 3L (subject to availability)


Chaenomeles varieties such as ‘Jet Trail, ‘Crimson & Gold’ & ‘Nivalis’

????Flowers: March – May

???? Position: Full sun – partial shade

???? Height: Up to 2.5m

 Soil: Moderately fertile, moist but well-drained soil

 Pot size: 2L, 3L, 3LD, 5L (subject to availability)


Choisya varieties such as ‘Aztec Pearl’, ‘Sundance’ & ‘White Dazzler’

????Flowers: May (often have a second flush in summer)

???? Position: Full sun – partial shade

???? Height: Up to 2.5m

 Soil: Moderately fertile,well-drained soil

 Pot size: 2L, 3L, 5L, 10L (subject to availability)


Cornus varieties such as ‘ Sibirica’, ‘Aurea’ & ‘Flaviramea’

????Flowers: May – June

???? Position: Full sun – partial shade

???? Height: Up to 2.5m

 Soil: Any moderately fertile soil

 Pot size: 2L, 3L, 5L, 10L (subject to availability)


Deutzia varieties like ‘Mont Rose’ and ‘Rosea’

????Flowers: April – June

???? Position: Full sun – partial shade

???? Height: Up to 1m

Soil: Fertile, well-drained soil

 Pot size: 2L, 3L (depending on variety and subject to availability)


Euonymus varieties such as ‘Emerald & Gold’, ‘Emerald Gaiety & ‘Silver Queen’

????Flowers: May- June

???? Position: Full sun – partial shade

???? Height: Up to 1m (depending on the variety)

Soil: Fertile, well-drained soil

 Pot size: 2L, 3L , 5L (depending on variety and subject to availability)


Exochorda x macrantha varieties such as ‘The Bride’ & ‘Niagara’

????Flowers: April – May

???? Position: Full sun – partial shade

???? Height: Up to 2m

Soil: Moist, well-drained soil

 Pot size: 2L, 5L (depending on variety and subject to availability)


Kerria japonica ‘Pleniflora’

????Flowers: March-May

???? Position: Full sun – partial shade

???? Height: Up to 2m

Soil: Fertile, well-drained soil

 Pot size: 10L (depending on variety and subject to availability)


Magnolia x soulangeana and the variety ‘Susan’

????Flowers: March-May

???? Position: Full sun – partial shade

???? Height: Up to 6m

Soil: Moist, well-drained, acidic soil

 Pot size: 3L, 5L 10L (depending on variety and subject to availability)


Osmanthus x burkwoodii & delavayi

????Flowers: April-May

???? Position: Full sun – partial shade

???? Height: Up to 3m

Soil: Fertile, well-drained soil

 Pot size: 2L, 3L, 5L 10L (depending on variety and subject to availability)


Potentilla varieties such as ‘Red Robin’ ‘Lovely pink’ ‘Goldfinger’ ‘Abbotswood’ and ‘Tangerine’ 

????Flowers: May – October

???? Position: Full sun – partial shade

???? Height: Up to 1m depending on the variety

Soil: moderately fertile, well-drained soil

 Pot size: 2L, 3L, 5L, 7.5L, 10L  (depending on variety and subject to availability)


Pyracantha ‘Saphyr’ varieties in ‘Red’, Yellow’ & ‘Orange’

????Flowers: May

???? Position: Full sun – partial shade

???? Height: Up to 3m depending on the variety

Soil: any fertile, well-drained soil

 Pot size: 3LD, 5L  (depending on variety and subject to availability)


Pieris varieties such as ‘Flaming Silver’ ‘Forest Flame’ and ‘Little Heath’

????Flowers:  April – May

???? Position: Full sun – partial shade

???? Height: Up to 3m depending on the variety

Soil: any fertile, well-drained soil

 Pot size: 2L, 3L, 5L (depending on variety and subject to availability)


Rhododendron in variety 

????Flowers:  May – June

???? Position: Full sun –  Partial shade

???? Height: Up to 2.5m depending on the variety

Soil:Moist, well-drained, humus-rich, acid soil or ericaceous compost

 Pot size: 3L, 5L, 7.5L (depending on variety and subject to availability)


Ribes sanguineum varieties such as ‘King Edward’, ‘Pulborough Scarlet’

????Flowers:  April – May

???? Position: Full sun

???? Height: Up to 3m depending on the variety

Soil: Moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil

 Pot size: 2L, 2LD, 3L, 3LD, 5L, 10L  (depending on variety and subject to availability)


Rosmarinus officinalis and the variety ‘Jessops Upright’

????Flowers:  May-June

???? Position: Full sun

???? Height: Up to 2m depending on the variety

Soil:  well-drained soil

 Pot size: 2L, 3L,  5L (depending on variety and subject to availability)


Syringa varieties 

????Flowers: May-June

???? Position: Full sun

???? Height: Up to 4m depending on the variety

Soil: Fertile, moist, well-drained soil

 Pot size: 2L3L, 5L, 10L, 12L, 20L + (depending on variety and subject to availability)


Weigela varieties

????Flowers: May-June

???? Position: Full sun – partial shade

???? Height: Up to 2.5m depending on the variety

Soil: Fertile, well-drained soil

 Pot size: 2L3L, 5L, 10L  (depending on variety and subject to availability)



Posted 17th May 11:21am